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Morgan Auvreath


Basic Information
Gender: Male

Age: 22

Birthday: May 16
Species: Half-elf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140 lbs
Image colors: Blue, gold, white
Likes: adventure movies, dark chocolate, indie music
Dislikes: country music
Abilities: Horse riding

Hobbies: sewing, embroidery, photography
Personality: forgetful, and overly dramatic. Mildly arrogant and socially awkward.


Morgan generally goes by a more English-style version of his name instead of his Elvish name, Moryggan.
He's a youtuber, editor, english major and content creator. He makes a small amount of money via Patreon.
He has few friends due to moving frequently. His mother is an elf and his father is human. 
Morgan is polylingual. He's prone to overanalyzing things and nail picking when anxious.

Miscellaneous Information

Eye color: Yellow-green, slightly green sclera

Face shape: Diamond

Eyes: Slanted elvish eyes with sunken eyelids

Hair color: Black with blue undertone

Hair length: Down to his shoulders

Hair style: Wavy

Skin color: Pale, pink undertone

Body type: Petite

Extra extremities: Large, pointed ears

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